Graded Reading Near Vision Booklet

Graded Reading Near Vision Booklet

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This easy-to-use near vision reading book
provides appropriate reading examples for
preschool through 6th grade, according to
Flesch-Kincaid grade levels. The preschool
section provides preschool testing using the
clinically tested LEA SYMBOLS® together
with LEA NUMBERS®, which provide a
narrow acuity threshold. Each tab along the
side of the book allows the user to quickly go
to the grade to be tested.
Each Grade Level has examples for 20/100,
20/80, 20/63, 20/50, 20/40, 20/32, and
20/20. The Reading Booklet also provides
double-spaced examples for 2nd and 3rd
grade students with suspected amblyopia,
an Amsler Grid, an Acuity Equivalent Chart
for 7 different optotype measurement
nomenclatures, an Accommodation test,
and an Astigmatic Chart.
Book has tabbed pages for ease of use and
is printed on durable styrene. Coil binding
permits the least distracting method of page
presentation. Dimensions are 6.25" x 6.25"
(16 cm x 16 cm) exclusive of tabs and binding.
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