HIDING HEIDI™ Low Contrast Face

HIDING HEIDI™ Low Contrast Face

Or please call FAISAL: 079 242 2817 or AHMED: 082 414 1472


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Visual communication is the most important communication method during the first year of life. The ability to detect objects of low contrast is an important component of the visual system. For example, facial expressions are mediated by faint shadows and changes in the contours of the mouth and eyes. Determining the levels of contrast that an infant can detect helps provide baseline data for evaluating future changes. For example, deviations from usual behavior may indicate disorders that leave vision at high-contrast levels unaffected.

Four cards printed on both sides in the following contrast levels: black, 25%, 10%, 5%, 2.5%, and 1.25%. Cards are 9" x 9" (23 cm x 23 cm). Includes instructions.

Double Sided (Four Cards) 253500

Single Sided (Seven Cards) 253510

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