Ozma CCP-9000 Chart Projector

CCP-9000 has high resolution power of line, so provides neat and clean graphics and a fast chart changing speed.

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Perform precise acuity tests with high quality charts

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CCP-9000 has high resolution power of line, so provides neat and clean graphics and a fast chart changing speed.

Clear and Fast

High Quallty Charts. CCP-9000 has high resolution power of line, so provides neat and clean graphics and a fast chart changing speed marking it easy for operators to use and comfortable for customers.

Bright and Efficient

LED light. Semi-pennanent lifetime LED light source can provide brighter and clearer charts than conventional bulb light

Easy and Convenient

Best Networking. Any refraction system including OZMA digital retractor can incorporate CCP-9000 to provide fast and efficient vision

Various and Perfect

Wide range of features. CCP-9000 with 41 charts including Red/Green and polarizing filters are the new solution for Binocular balanc.e test, Stereo test, Aniseikonia test and Fusion test.

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