Suoer Non-Contact Tonometer SW-5000

Suoer Non-contact Tonometer SW-5000

Or please call FAISAL: 079 242 2817 or AHMED: 082 414 1472


Measuring Range:1mmHg~~60mmHg
Measuring Range Setting:30mmHg, 60mmHg
Measuring Accuracy:1mmHg;
Measuring Distance:11mm
Focus Method: focus points +focus indication
Focus Mode: dimensional auto-focus/manual focus/touch screen semi focus
Eye Fixation:Green LED
Stroke of Moving section: X:80mm
Y :40mm
Display: large color liquid-crystal screen
Output: thermal printer

1.Integrated ORA(Ocular Response Analyzer)
2.Unique waveform based on three weighted average value and indicate the low reliable readings
3.Touch screen focus
4. Non contact measurement, avoid cross infection
5. built-in 24 hours IOP trend analysis

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