case model EASYTON

Easyton Tonometer EZTN-01

Safe,quick and reliable IOP control. As a qualitatively new approach of intraocular pressure measurement it opens wide clinical possibilities and gives incontestable advantages for the doctor and the patient.

Or please call FAISAL: 079 242 2817 or AHMED: 082 414 1472



 Click here to view the leaflet

 Click here to view the COVID-19 datasheet


 Clinical data - Comparison with Goldman Tonometer

Clinical data - Bench testing



Download the video


During COVID-19 pandemic the ocular surface has a high risk of infection during diagnostic procedures.

Improve safety of IOP measurement by eliminating contact of the cornea with air stream or diagnostic tools



No cumulative effect of virus aerosol particle number
(no aerosol-generating procedure)

During the use of "air puff" tonometer, the tear film on the surface of the eye brakes and splashes under the air stream to which COVID-19 virus easily adheres leading to the multiplication of virus
aerosol particles

Easyton does not create an air stream for measurements. Instead, it measures IOP by vibration through the eyelid to calculate the most accurate IOP


No cornea contact

There is no guarantee that during the replacement of a rubber tip or interchangeable rod for a rebound or applanation tonometer, particles of the virus that may be in the air will not settle on these
parts. This alone is prone to the entrance of the virus into the cornea with the high risk of infecting the patient with COVID-19

Easyton provides the IOP measurement without touching the cornea or having a direct eye contact. The disinfected tip of the measuring rod touches the patient's eyelid, not the cornea


Easy disinfection

Strict cleaning and disinfection procedure should be a high priority during COVID-19. It is suggested to use a simple formula "one person, one use, one disinfection'~ The more complex the disinfection protocol after each patient is, the more likely it is to make a mistake and leave the path for infection open

Easyton tonometer is disinfected with one touch. Just wipe the measuring rod with an alcohol swab before and after each patient


Today transpalpebral scleral tonometry has no alternative as an optimal method to carry out prophylactic medical examination when it is impossible to apply classical methods of IOP measurement.

As a qualitatively new approach of intraocular pressure measurement it opens wide clinical possibilities and gives incontestable advantages for the doctor and the patient.

Use EASYTON for:

> ophthalmological practice
> off-road medical screening
> periodic health examinations
> general medical practice
> emergency medicine

EASYTON posesses all advantages of transpalpebral scleral tonometry:

> quick, safe and painless measurement
> measurement accuracy
> NO consumables
> NO anaesthetics
> available any time in any place
> contributes to doctor" s image, medical institution prestige
> expands services spectrum

 Click here to view Testing 1 pdf: Comparison with Goldmann tonometer

 Click here to view Testing 2 pdf: Cadaver eyes

 Click here to download "Diaton comparison"

 Click here to download "Typical objections of a doctor"



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