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Capsulorhexis forceps 4mm long jaws with angled, grasping platform. Curved shaft 24mm long.
D50-7651 21G/0.8 S.S
DT50-7651 21G/0.8 titanium
D50-7652 23G/0.6 S.S
DT50-7652 23G/0.6 titanium
Ikeda Capsulorhexis forceps
0.6mm (23G) Delicate 1.2mm long jaws with angled, grasping platform.
Curved shaft 24mm
D50-7653 S.S
DT50-7653 titanium
Ikeda angled micro Capsulorhexis
0.9mm long jaw with
90° angled,
grasping platform.
Strongly curved shaft 24mm
D50-7654 S.S
DT50-7654 titanium