P.L. Slit Lamp HS-03

Three Step Magnification

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Slit Lamp H-Series

 Click here to view the pdf catalogue


Binocular Microscope

Eye Pieces:                  12.5x wide field
Objective:                     0.6x, 1x, 1.6x
Magnification:               10x, 16x and 24x


Illumination Unit

Slit Image Rotation:       0 to 180°
Tilting Illumination:        Up to 20°
Filter Disc.:                    Cobalt Filter, Green Filter, Yellow Filter,
                                      Natural density and open apeture
Slit Diaphragm Disc.:    Six apetures of 12, 9, 7, 3 and 0.2 mm
                                      and a wedge shaped diaphram to infinitely variable slit lengths
Halogen Lamp:             12 Volts, 50 Watts


Standard Accessories

Replacing Lamp - one piece for illumination unit.
Replacing Mirror
Plastic breath shield
Testing Rod
Dust Cover and Fuse


Optional Accessories

Beam Splitter with Camera Mount
CCD Camera for Video Recording


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