DirectView 3 Mirror Slit Lamp Lens

DirectView 3 Mirror Slit Lamp Lens

Or please call FAISAL: 079 242 2817 or AHMED: 082 414 1472


ion VISion’s 3 mirror glass lenses are of a traditional design, incorporating 3 mirrors angled at 60°, 66° and 78°. Magnification and laser spot factor is an exacting 1.0X.
The ALL GLASS contact element eliminates the need for messy fluid interface and features a “flanged” 14.5 mm contact surface that is ideal for laser treatment. No fluid design due to ALL GLASS contacting element - an ion VISion exclusive feature!
Viewing Range: 60°/66°/76°
Image Mag.: 1.0X
Laser Spot Mag.: 1.0X
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