AAPOS Vision Screening App

AAPOS Vision Screening App

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Quickly and easily screen the vision of children and adults beginning
at age 3 years with evidencebased LEA SYMBOLS® and Sloan Letters.
App is based on the basic distance Vision Screening Kit created by
the American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
Charts include both full-chart threshold and critical line formats using either LEA
SYMBOLS® or Sloan Letters optotypes.
Critical line screening is a quick method for screening where individuals are screened
using only the line that matches their age.
Each test format can be used for distance screening at 10'/3 m or for near vision
screening at 16"/40 cm.

Available at iTunes Store


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Please note the items and model numbers on the website might change due to the improvement of the products.
Model numbers can change to the new model numbers.
