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Huvitz HBK-410 Blocker

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The Excellent Smart Blocker – Perfect Duet with HPE-410

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Smart Digital Scan

Digital scan recognizes frame shapes, drill holes and creative shapes. High resolution & sharp imaging capability help recognize laser markings.


Smart Arm

Blocking arm is loaded a leap block from upper side with easy and attaches the block by single push of the arm lever without rotating it.



Blocking Method Manual (Push down)
Blocking Mode Box center, Optical center
Blocking Guide 3-Dot, Bi-focal, Progressive
Digital Scan Frame shape, Hole/Slot/Notch, Scan & Cut shape
Blocking Assistance Laser mark visualization, PD/OH live adjustment, Lens shortage check, Block attachment check, Auto Brightness control, Camera zoom
Blocking Tolerance ±0.5mm
Axis Tolerance ±1°
Layout Factors FPD, PD(Binocular, Monocular), DBL, OH(Y, Boxed height, Mixed height), Centering Method(Box center, Optical center)
Edging Factors Lens material(Plastic, Polycarbonate, High index, Glass, Trivex)
Edging Type(Bevel, Groove, Flat, Mini bevel, Partial bevel, Partial grooving, Dual grooving, Hybrid grooving, Asymmetric bevel, Semi-U bevel, Step bevel)
Edging Position(Front %, Front mm, Rear mm, Base curve, Auto, Manual)
Edging Option(Polishing, Safety bevel, Safety mode)
Functions Job Manager, Digital Pattern, Hole Editor, Asymmetric Bevel Editor, Step Bevel Editor, Scan & Cut Data Editor, Image File Converter, OMA Import/Export, CAD(dxf) Import/Export, R-L shape correction, Lens diameter measurement, Auto save & transmission of job files
Utilities Tiltable LCD (Viewing angle 15~70°)
SD card storage of 16GB(Support up to 32GB)
Barcode reader interface
Display Frame shape, Hole/Slot/Notch, Scan & Cut shape
Digital Scan 9.7 inch Color TFT LCD (1024x768)
with Touch Screen
Power Supply AC 100~240V 50/60Hz
Power Consumption 20W

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