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Fixation Disparity Polarized Target Vectographic 2-dimensional card with 2 Fixation Disparity Crosses positioned vertical to one another to facilitate the comparison of binocular performance when using a lower versus higher spatial frequency or acuity demand. Top Fixation Disparity Cross at 20/95 acuity level mimics reading demands of larger print books.
The Small Target bottom Fixation Disparity Cross at 20/63 acuity level mimics reading demands at higher grade levels (smaller print books) while the Large Target bottom cross is at 20/100 acuity level.
Fixation Disparity Polarized Target Vectograph includes manual and standard polarized viewer.
Large Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107102
Small Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107105