Neitz HF-II Handy Flicker

Instrument for CFF Value Measurement

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The Three-color Visual Targets Enables a Wide Range of CFF Tests

- The specialized equipment for CFF value measurement
- The three-color visual targets allows test of eye fatigue and optic nerve disease
- Easy operation with singlehand
- Continuous increase / decrease of the frequency at an interval of 1 Hz
- View angle of two degrees at the distance of 25 cm



HF-II, visual targets, 9V alkaline battery,
testing paper (50 sheets)


Power Source

9V alkaline battery



1 to 79 Hz at an interval of 1 Hz.


Frequency Setting

By up and down push buttons


Accuracy of the frequency

Less than 0.01% (per setting)


Pulse Duty Ratio

50% square wave


Illumination Stability of Targets

Less than 10% (between 9V and 7V)
Warning lamp lights up at less than 7V



57 mm×58 mm×170 mm



240 g



LED dominant wavelength of targets:
Red = 660 nm, green = 555 nm, yellow = 570 nm.
Target size: Dia. 8.7mm
Dimensions: 70 mm x 76 mm x 37 mm
Weight: 145 g


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