Huvitz HCP-7000 Chart projector

Chart projector with semi-permanent LED light source

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Various Chart

The HCP-7000 and CCP-3100 with 41 chart including Red/Green and polarizing filters are the new solution for
Binocular balance test, Stereo test, Aniseikonia test, Fusion Test.


Semi-permanent lifetime LED light source

Brighter and clearer


Attractive Design

Attractive Streamlined Shape and Blue Indicator



Chart 41 charts 34 masks, Red/Green & Polarization Filters
Projection Distance 2.5~8m
Chart Rotation Speed Average 0.15 sec
Projection Magnificiation 30 x at 5m
Power Saving Power Saving Automatic Switch off( 10min )
Program 2 programs with a maximum of 30 charts each
Tilt Angle 15。
Power Supply 100-120v 50Hz : 0.6A, 200-240V 60Hz : 0.3A
Lamp LED 4W
Dimension 270(W) x 182(D) x 230(H)mm
Weight 3.44kg
Designs and details can be changed without prior notice for improvements.

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