
EyeSpy 20/20™ Vision Screening Software

EyeSpy 20/20™ Vision Screening Software

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EyeSpy 20/20™ employs a revolutionary proprietary approach to vision screening
technology - a software program created by the Founders of VisionQuest 20/20.
A child's vision is assessed in a standardized, cost-effective manner while the child
"plays" a 2- to 3-minute video game. EyeSpy 20/20™ has been independently
validated by the Medical University of South Carolina's Storm Eye Institute for scientific
validity and reliability. The results of the double-blind study suggest that EyeSpy 20/20™
provides results comparable to those achieved by a certified ophthalmic technician
using a 'gold standard' device for assessing vision.
Distribution of our vision screening program is focused on schools, through government
health programs, pediatricians, and other health care professions. Schools represent the
most efficient distribution channel because they offer the single largest venue for reaching

EyeSpy 20/20™ System Features
• Easy-to-implement program and will operate on most computers currently in
• Automated, age-appropriate vision screening protocols, for ages 3 years old and up.
• Professional, easy-to-read report documenting screening results in either
English or Spanish.
• Intregrates with EMR and EHR Systems
• HIPAA Compliant Data Storage
• Results are automatically and immediately available for school health
records as well as for the child's guardian.
• Child's screening history is retained in a database, enabling rescreening without
record duplication as well as reports that can be reprinted at any time,
individually or collectively.
• Can be installed on an unlimited number of computers within a school.
• Offers schools and other organizations a fund-raising opportunity while
protecting their students vision.
EyeSpy 20/20™ per Head Charge . . .300400
Testing Goggles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300402
UBS Mouse 10' Extension Cable . . .300403
Eye Patches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300404
Support Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300411


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