P/N: 1060PL-VFD

Or please call FAISAL: 079 242 2817 or AHMED: 082 414 1472

  • Vision Therapy System for use in a doctor’s office

  • Two-dimensional Fixation Disparity Cross with Central Fusion Lock

  • Lack of three-dimensional float (as provided by the Gem image in the Gem Vectographs) removes peripheral cues that help guide a patient’s fusion response on the Fixation Disparity Cross

  • Total accommodation range of 40 diopters

  • Includes: Protective Therapy Binder with pen, Doctor Manual & Standard Polarized Viewer

  • Recommended as a follow-step to the Binocular Vision Dysfunction Diagnostic & Treatment System (P/N 1070PL) to ensure sufficient learning strategies were developed and can be transferred without the aid of the three-dimensional float provided by the Gem image on the Gem Vectographs

Doctor Manual

Printable Doctor PDF

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